
YCH Bases






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You can find examples of my art here:
Emotes + Illustration

Prices are in USD

✔️ Will Do ✔️

▪ OCs + Fanart
▪ Multiple Characters
▪ Turn Arounds + Ref Sheets
▪ Emote + Sticker Batches

Won't Do

▪ Extreme gore
▪ Mecha
(just not very good at it sorry)
▪ Furries
(I can do anthro characters like Miqo'te, I just don't think I could do full furries justice)

* I reserve the right to refuse any commission I do not feel comfortable with for any reason

Emotes + StickersYCHCustomAnimated
$15+ ea$20+ ea$30+ ea

Extras may apply and can be discussed

Emote Pricing :

Emote and sticker prices begin at $15+ for one of the Your Character Here (YCH) bases; this pricing may vary if the design is more or less complex.
For a custom emote or sticker prices begin at $20+; this pricing may vary if the design is more or less complex.
For a custom animated emote prices begin at $30+; this pricing may vary if the design is more or less complex.
 Any questions on these prices I am always more than happy to discuss, so please feel free to reach out if needed

Upgrades :

If you have previously commissioned me for a sketch or linework piece and wish to get it coloured in flats or painted, you only need to pay the difference
 i.e. $150 for a painted bust - $60 for the sketch you have already paid for = $90 to pay

Prices can vary depending on the complexity of your character design, poses, and interactions.
All prices are for 1 (one) character, additional characters will cost extra can be discussed with me for pricing.
Emote bundle prices are dependant on the style and amount of emotes you would like.

Terms & Conditions

(1) I reserve the right to refuse any commission I do not feel comfortable with for any reason.

(2) All prices are in USD, and must be paid in full through PayPal prior to starting the commission artwork/s. You will be supplied an invoice and must pay through that invoice.
  a. Invoices will be sent out once you have been added to the commission queue list. To retain your spot on this list please ensure you pay the invoice within the 15 days of my contacting you to confirm adding you to the commission queue.
  b. Additional fees may apply if you require commission/s to be completed on a deadline.

(3) All artwork created is for personal use only unless previously discussed and agreed upon by all parties. Any artwork for commercial or public use, or reproduction onto merchandise will incur either a commercial rights or a monetisation fee/s. Artwork may not ever be used for NFTs or AI.
  a. A monetisation fee gives you rights to the image for use in monetised streams, such as TTRPG streams, without the artist (Lucas James / FallenMorning) receiving any income from stream revenue.
  A monetisation fee = x0.3 the cost of the commissioned piece/s. i.e. a $150 commission has a $45 fee, for a total of $195.
  b. A commercial rights fee gives you rights to the image for resale; this means you can use it for stickers, shirts, streams, etc. without the artist (Lucas James / FallenMorning) receiving any income from sales or other revenue.
  A commercial rights fee = x2 the cost of the commissioned piece/s. i.e. a $150 commission has a $150 fee, for a total of $300.

(4) I retain the copyright of all images created under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 unless otherwise discussed and agreed upon by all parties. This entitles me to display and promote myself using artwork/s created.
  a. If you wish for me to not share artwork/s on social media, including work in progress pictures, please discuss this with me prior to commissioning.
  b. This does not exclude the commissioner from sharing the artwork with appropriate attribution in non-monetised forms.

(5) Artwork/s may be done during live streams on Twitch or through other streaming services, if you have any reason you do not want this please discuss it with me prior to commissioning.

(6) For revisions any major changes will incur a revision fee; pose, outfit design, etc. Minor changes are allowed with no extra cost; changes to colour.
  Revision fees will depend on the changes asked for.

(7) For a full refund commissions must be cancelled prior to any work beginning. No refunds will be given after the artwork has been completed.
  a. Once any work has been started, partial refunds may be offered depending on the amount of work put into the commission at the time of the request.
  b. All refunds will be initiated on my side, please do not request a PayPal chargeback.
  c. If you request a fraudulent PayPal chargeback you will lose all aforementioned rights to the artwork/s created. All fraudulent chargebacks will be denied and PayPal will be supplied with evidence of conversations, proof of work, and these terms and conditions. Furthermore, you will be blacklisted from commissioning me in the future.

(8) If at any point the buyer breaks any of these terms and conditions they will lose all aforementioned rights to the artwork/s created by me, Lucas James, and I will have the right to profit further from the commissioned artwork in any way I see fit, and/or may seek compensation.
  If you have any problems with any statements within these terms and conditions you must discuss with me prior to paying for any commissioned artwork/s.